my next big thing


Dang qwantam vande suzung vue lam onlineshop. Canhan tao camthay vue fuhop voi bon tayngang (amateur), bon taychuyen (profesional) thuong zung react hoac angular. Vande cua viec suzung hai thang do, la fai thucsu amhieu kienthuc coban.

Dayla google search trending tai Vietnam. Screen capture at this moment.

Bieudo global trend, soluong timkiem “vue” keyword nhieuhon.

Angular is the best choice for large-scale projects, React is ideal for those who do not want to limit themselves to any frames, and Vue is a kind of “compromise” between these two solutions and is often chosen for work in small teams.

Chozu nhanxet, danhja kieu ji, google may keyword tang “react vs vue vs angular…” (or the likes), dambao bacon se loan me doulou. Moi thang danhja mot kieu. Cac danhja do co khachqwan hay khong? Deofai viec tao quwantam rightnow.

Cai tao dang qwantam, la ong nay: VUE STOREFRONT

Wtf is it?

Vue Storefront is a standalone PWA storefront for your eCommerce, able to connect with any eCommerce backend (eg. Magento, Prestashop or Shopware) through the API. Vue Storefront is, and always will be, open source. Anyone can use and support the project. We want it to be a tool for the improvement of the shopping experience.

Is that interesting?

Tatnhien cung jongnhu ratnhieu tutorial khac, lam theo huongzan khongbaojo thanhcong ngay tu buoc doutien.

Dungnhu daluongtruoc. Sau 1 buoitoi caidat tren Mac va nua ngay nua tren PC. Cahai deu tacti sau vai buoc. Khongthe di tiep, vi deobiet duongnao ma di. Rat bucminh, nhung cung phai tutu timhieu thoivay.